Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Giant Ice Cream Sandwich

Summertime is fast approaching, and since we're poor students with no a/c, we decided that a tasty treat would be a good way to cool down. Of course, when the Late Night Chefs make a tasty treat, we don't eff around. We pulled a new tool out of our arsenal this time around - "gigantisizing", which basically means taking something and making it bigger. It's as if we took the classic ice cream cookie sandwich and gave it double dose of Viagra. I guess that's why it took so long to finish (hey-oo!). Here's how to make your very own giant ice cream sandwich:

1. Buy large amounts of chocolate chip cookie mix/dough and vanilla ice cream. Follow directions for cookie mix if necessary.

2. Line two same-sized cookie sheets with greased aluminum foil or parchment paper. Spread cookie dough evenly to entirely cover the cookie sheets. If you only have one sheet like we did, just make two batches.

3. Bake the ridiculously big cookies at a lower temperature than instructions, otherwise the middle may not bake fully while the outside burns. We used 225F.

4. Wait until the cookies cool down to room temperature, or place in fridge. Evenly cover one side with ice cream, and flip the other side on top. Peel off aluminum foil and enjoy.

I made the mistake of trying to eat 1/8 of this thing by myself. Needless to say, I could not finish it, and I will not touch another ice cream sandwich for the rest of my life. Maybe. By the way, here's a fun thing to do: hold the sandwich up and pretend you're a little person.

- Allen, Angie, Carol, Daniel, Laura, Marcus, Michelle & Shannon

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